
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"A Post with Many Morals"

So, im just gonna spout some random thoughts here! as is my right under the terms of the blogger agreement! :) heh heh heh.. poor fools..giving ME webspace.. little do they know!

Gave blood today. they ask some pretty weird questions on those survey forms. lol.. i was going through an interview and answering no to every one, and for a change i decided id be funny, and say 'ye..oh hang on...no!' to the next question he asked. Unfortunately that was the one about 'had i had sex with a sex worker over the last 12 months'. And the even less funny part was that he totally missed the cheeky grin and obvious joke, and thought i was serious about saying yes... ah well.. we cleared that up :)
MORAL: "Never joke about your sex life to a guy with a needle"

Have I mentioned that I LOVE working in a Comic book store? I mean, come on, aside from me and Clark Kent, how many other people can say they work at the 'Daily Planet'? But seriously, its such an escape. You have your life outside, but when you come to work there its like you are transported to another world. Where all the people are different. you are dealing with a massive almost underground subculture, where the normal rules seem vague and far off, where almost everyone has superpowers, and time travel, reading about alternate future realities, and saving the world are as commonplace as going to the shops. this may sound sad, but trust me, dont knock it till you try it! :) there is a MASSIVE subculture of Geek-dom there, with each geek beign able to belong to a veritable plethora of different Geek-subcultures (a subculture within a subculture! ^_^) Its a whole 'nother world!
'Nuff said! :D
MORAL: "If your work is somewhere you escape to, you need to get out more!"

But i do get out!
MORAL guy: "But you need to get out MORE"
uh huh.
MORAL guy: "er..well.. who makes the morals here? you or me?
Well, fair enough. carry on then, but remember whose side youre on! :)

Has everyone heard the most awesome song of the moment by Michael Bouble? Its the Original 60s Spider-Man theme song! but redone! in a very jazzy kinda way! :) it is very very addictive! listen to it asap! ^_^
MORAL: "Make sure the first song you listen to in the day is a good one, because it will haunt you till you sleep again!"

This is the last random thought of the post, so off we go! :D
Bit worried about a mate of mine who came out last year. he is now officially Bisexual. He knows how i feel about that, and I know how I feel, but tis getting a bit difficult. today we were having a conversation, and it went along the lines about how he was feeling a lot happier than last semster where he was really confused and depressed. Now, I said that It was good that he was happier. but in my heart i was going: 'but it isnt good that youve chosen this path'. But I cant tell him that he's made the wrong choice and tell him to turn from that. I can pray, but thats about it, isnt it?
MORAL: "Gay doesnt necessarily mean happy, especially for their Christian friends!"

Youve done a good job there mate!
MORAL Guy: well, thanks!
Perhaps we could discuss a contract for future employment?
MORAL Guy: Have your people call my people!
Will do!

Just a bit of extra stuff added on the end here, Ive been disliking my site layout for sometime now, and have been putting effort into trying to make new templates and stuff, but tis hard! So I Apologise for the very bland looking page! Im working on it! really! ^_^


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