
Friday, July 30, 2004

"Regrets about Over-commitment"

You know, I have decided that I should have a maximum of two topics per post. otherwise it gets really confusing! So today I start implementing this new strategy.

I now have the need for procrastination again! which is a good thing! At least i think so! Back into Uni fully now, the first week of 13 is over and already here I am writing up my assessment calander. But the thing is, i can never get myself motivated enough to actually START the assignments i need to do. there is always something else that gets in the way.

As well as Uni work, i have to contend with Co-orgainising Youth events, writing up flyers for Church, Organising Sunday School lessons, practicing Viola, Piano and Organ, Performing in the Eisteddfod on Sunday, Working, and having a social life. I mean, i wouldnt have it any other way, but it kinda gets me to thinking that if i had not diversified so much, that i could have been a genius in maybe one or two fields.

To Quote one of my Comics: "My Evil is Missed Opportunity". Maybe if I focused more on Piano playing rather than Viola and Organ, then I could have Finished My AMus by now, and be much more prepared to teach Music. Same applies to Viola.
And if i didnt put the time in to my music, I could definately improve my grades at Uni. Maybe if I gave up work, then i could improve both Music AND grades, but then id miss out on all the friendships built up there, and of course, be very broke!
I could give up going out, but then i lose my friends.

And theres another link here. I have many areas of involvement, so therefore i have many friends from these different areas. I have Education friends, History Friends, Music Friends, Church Friends etc... And while I consider my church friends to be my core group of friends, i wish that i could be better friends to the other groups, instead of an almost fly-by-night kidna guy.
This is why i wouldnt move in with my mates over near Uni, because that would distance me from my church friends, (and my CIvic job). and kinda isolate me from them.

Too many commitments, and yet, i really wouldnt have it any other way. aside from the lack of sleep everything seems manageable. Its like i get to live many different lives at once. so what am I complaining about, except for the fact that i'd like to be more deeply involved in all of them, and yet cant.

Oh, and for the second subject:

The other day at work (Civic Video) I sent a message to one of the Juniors through the computer system. im kinda thinking maybe i shouldnt have, but i felt it needed to be said.
This junior is in Grade 10 this year, and is pretty much a very 'Teenage' girl. but very shallow, so seemingly. Everyday she's got a different crush and new female arch-enemy, and she loves her shopping for perfume, handbags and new clothes. None of this i mind at all, i mean, its kinda cute from a certain point of view. What i was sending the message about was her constant use of the phrase "OMG" I mean, seriously, has anyone been in online games? and seen how one of the catchphrases is now OMG? And the way she says it, like just in the normal flow of conversation, almost as a necessary part of language, and so quickly, it just gets to me.

I sent her a message explaining that while I know she And I dont believe the same things, that could she please tone down the use of the phrase, and explained that Oh My God was originally used as a plea for Help to God, but has now been trivialised and that people use it now, not knowing what and who they're talking about.

I dont know wether i should have or not, and i hope this doesnt blow up in my face, but i just felt that it needed saying... :P I Pray i did the right thing! :)

Ok, and thats about enough from me.. just few housekeeping items here! :D
- I think i will bow to peer pressure and change to hovering descriptions! looks less messy! :D
- Congrats to Paul and Jess! GO YOU GOOD THINGS! :D
- Shout outs to all the Kiwis, all of whom R0XX0R! :)
- Mike is coming.... WATCH OUT AUS! :) but no, should be Tres cool! :D

ANd thats about it for now! :)

From the Mind of S.A.M

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