
Tuesday, August 17, 2004


well, slack in the existential sense. ive been really busy, but am now so buggered that i cant post anything. must get up for Gym early tomorrow.. then to meet someone. then to Uni.. 1 hour tute, 3 hour lecture.. then.. freedom? no, not really! :P argh... ive done my social calander for the next 5 weekends and theyre ALL booked :(

plans are so depressing. and i have two assignments due next Monday that i havent started, and i just realised today that the library books i borrowed for it are due on Friday! ARGH! krappity krap krap krap. me soo tired, exhausted. need to pray a bit.

Ive also been slack with posting on other people's blogs recentley! sorry bout that. im really reading! but i never have anything interesting to say at that moment! :P I will work on this! :) This post is really slack. i havent said anything. I will definately make a come back soon! just wait!

Till next time we meet, always value the moment. treauser it. dont let it go! cause if you do it wont come back!

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