
Friday, January 07, 2005

Ignore this blog people! just needed to copy something and email is restricted here! :P

or on the other hand, take note! im sure youll all love how to teach tum-ti to a grade 7/8 class!

Focus for practice of Tum-ti
Sam Reeves

Teacher: Last time we learned what our new rhythm was, what was it?
Class: Tum-Ti
Teacher: That’s right, now our rhythm also appears in another song we know, can you sing with me? (Sing John Kanaka with words)
Teacher: Now can you sing with time names? (Sing JK with time names)

Teacher: Here’s a rhythmic ostinato (ta ti-ti tum ti) how many beats long is it?
Class: 4
Teacher: Right, and how many beats long is our new rhythm tum ti?
Class: 2

Teacher: Can we sing John Kanaka while clapping this rhythm?
Class: (sings with ostinato)

Teacher: Good job, can we sing John Kanaka again with the words, listening for where our new rhythm, tum ti comes in

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