Saturday, February 19, 2005
Late Nights with Philotas
The long awaited Rant post!...or, HULK SMASH!
So here is where i can vent my opinions and rants that have been building up for a while. you know the great thing about blogging? heh! this is MY universe! :) 'What I have written stays written' and all that jazz ^_^ oooh the power! oh, and i think some of my views in this one might offend some people. if so i apologise, but realise that these are my views. if you hold different ones thats fine. but here are mine.
Rant: Im sick of people judging me. Judging me because a) I read comics. b)I am a "Christian" (cause we all know what theyre like) c) Judging my Dad because he doesnt criticize the pastor like some others do. d) Dad judging me because some of the friends i have DO criticize our pastor. e) Judging me because Ive done stupid stuff in the past. f) judging me because i have a blog.
Rant: Im really exasperated with SNL services/other 'youth' services (now, Pentecostals dont take offence, but please read) Its not about feelings. dammit people, if music, atmosphere, and a preacher shouting out stuff about the spirit is the only way that gets you 'close to God' take a look at yourselves!
My Brother had to go to an orientation camp for Christian Heratige College, his university for this year, and they had a big service that was very pente. he could barley read the music for all the people shouting and raising their hands in the air, or the other murmurings that i guess was prayer out loud.
I say that if you cant get the same connection with God in a traditional church, then theres something that needs to be looked at there. Are you doing it for you or for God?
Rant: Im angry at myself because every time i go to the music centre i see people who are so much better than I am. I havent put enough effort into practice. And now im so far behind. My piano is stagnated. I cant put up with this! I am supposed to have my 8th grade exam in May.
Rant: Im angry at the secular world. who see themselves as so enlightened they have blinded themselves. If you want to be an academic there is no way you will be taken seriously if you are Christian because your views are so biased.
Rant: Im angry at this CD i found in the new car I bought, "Conversations with God" what a New age decieveing piece of silicon! it twists the words of the Bible around something chronic.
Rant: and another thing. I dont like people taking the Bible (or anything) out of context! We do not live in a static world. everything only has meaning in context with something else. you cant just take a phrase like "Have i not said, Ye are gods" and leave it at that!
*pant pant pant pant*
Ok! thats it for a while, we will return you now to your regularly schedualed programming!
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