
Saturday, May 29, 2004

Where to start? good question. Quiet you! ;)

Well lets start here shall we?
I confirmed today that one of my mates broke up with his girlfriend of 3 years. Its not cool when stuff like this happens.
The thing im really unhappy about here is that I wasnt there for him when it happened. It was Wednesday night, Origin night, and he had invited me over to watch with him and his flatmate.
I didnt go because I was going to another mates house to watch, after which we had to have a meeting about CLW.
we didnt end up having the meeting, and i wasnt there for him. i think ive let him down big time. He has some major problems in life, and he's coping the best he can. I want to be there for him, but I just feel so run down at the moment. too much work, too many assignments.. always doing something.
What can you do?

Next thing.

The other day at University (when i was making a short visit to drop off my assignment) I was talking to one of my mates from Music. this chick walked up to us and joined the convo (apparently they knew each other). Aaanyway, the topic of convo turned to names. and baby names! (dont ask, im not sure how either! :D) And I mentioned that if I had a daughter I'd like to call her Seraphim (Sera/Sara for short).
They looked quizzical, so I said. "You know, Seraphim is the highest kind of angel Seraphim/Cherubim/Arch-angel/Angel" (we say that in the traditional service every week. i looked it up once, apparently there are only four Seraphs (or six? i cant remember) and they guard the throne of God. I think the reference is in the book of Daniel somewhere!
AAANyway, back on topic, this chick, who i had never met before, asked me "Are you religious then?"
and i... i hesitated to my utmost shame, i said "Well (look down at floor) er...Yes! Yes I am."
I tried to figure out why i was so ashamed to say it then! :( I mean, usually im very upfront about it. I often wear a WWJD band, and dont hide the fact that I'm a Christian, but i think its the way she phrased it. 'are you RELIGIOUS'.
That word seems (to me) to have some bad connotations behind it. I guess i should have replied "Yes I'm a Christian". but my brain was several steps behind.

What does someone think about this. was i being ashamed of God? i sure hope not :(

Last thing:
Doing the story of the Tower of Babel tomorrow for my Kids in Sunday School. Its an interesting story for me too, especially from my 'would be historian' view.
I remembered the story that it was just everyones language he changed. and that left some questions for me recentley.
"If God made all languages there, what about people in Africa? are they from the mediterranian too? what about the Asian countries?"

Ive just notices tonight that in my NIV it also says "so the Lord scattered them from there all over the earth."
Aaanyway, to cut a long blog short, it raises all sorts of interesting questions about the origin of the races, in relation to history. which i swear i will get into later. i think i might make a masters thesis kinda thing out of the topic: "Christianity and History" :)

Just one more verse of note here, that may seem a little weird, but i like it:

"But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."

Kinda gives you a warm fuzzy (but then of course the languages were scattered.) do you reckon humanity can ever again work fully as one?

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Too tired at the moment to do a full Blog.

Just want to say I just saw TROY.
Does Hollywood have to wreck EVERYthing?




Ok thats enough space!

lets put some main points down:

1) Achilles was Bisexual. Patroclus was not his Cousin. He was his lover.
But no. You cant have a gay hero can you Hollywood? that wouldnt sell well! even though its historically inaccurate! who cares! "Bums on seats people! Bums on seats!"

2) King Priam of Troy was a jerk. Odysseus and Menelaus (Agamemmnons brother who didnt really die) went out to him to ask for Helen back, and the stolen treasure (yes, they stole other stuff too!). Priam refused, and Odysseus and Menelaus returned with the bad news to the Greek camp.

2) King Agamemmnon of the Greeks was NOT a jerk. he was a good man and a good king fighting to regain Greek honour and property. (well, i guess though Agamemmnon is KIND of a jerk, as he let his daughter be sacrificed to ensure success... but.. still! he's not as bad as the guy in the movie!)

3) Continuing on with Agamemmnon, he was not killed by that strumpet priestess. the honourable King Agamemmnon returned home and was murdered by his wife Clytemenstra and her lover. (feh! women! :P ;) ) (in the Odessy we learn of his fate in the underworld)

3) Contrary to what you might have seen, The Trojan war did NOT last for 15 days, it took some 10 years before the walls finally fell.

4) The Fate of Polyxena (afore mentioned strumpet Priestess): she was sacrificed along with Hector's son (the baby, who wasnt really a baby anymore) by the Greeks to signify the end of the war.

5) Helen and Paris did not escape. Helen was recaptured, and Menelaus WAS going to kill her, like he said, but he decided not too, and they returned together and lived happily ever after! Paris died. heh heh. wuss. ;)

Well.. um.. thats all for now! that turned into a mini blog there didnt it.. well enough for that rant. but it needed to be said! ALL LOVERS OF HISTORY UNITE! TELL THE PUBLIC THE REAL STORY OF TROY! :D

Peace out! :D

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Friday, May 28, 2004

"These days turned out nothing like I had planned"

Ah good ol Powderfinger. And that about summs my day up!
Last night of course was an all nighter, i worked on that assignment from 8pm-10am, and got it finished. FINALLY! then rush to uni to get it in, and pick up some books for the next assignment due Monday!

I went to work and got someone to cover my shift tonight, so i could go to Social hockey, (every second Thursday. its worth missin some money for! :D)

so i get home, after running into so many random people i knew from all over the place.. and make lunch, then do the washing. is 2:30 now, so i decide, hey. Ill go have a quick snooze until about 4pm, then wake up, do a bit of assignment work, then go to Hockey!

It was all good! :) i set my alarm and everything.
The next thing i know im waking up, the house is completely dark, and it's 8pm.
I couldnt believe it!
I had slept through my alarm, two phone calls (got the messages) and my family coming home and then going out again.

ARGH! I totally missed hockey.. so thats $60 possible income gone! :P argharghargh!
the other bad thing that happened is that i got a thing saying 'come collect a letter from the post office' and the only thing it ever is when that happens, is a speeding fine. :P

Ah well. could be worse.. "could be stabbed!" :D
sorry this is a very whiny day, but yeh! i know its not that bad, but ya gotta have somewhere to vent to!

Going now! gotta get up for work in four hours! :)
Seeyas soon! I'll get around to posting something meaningful very soon i promise! :)

Oh, and please note the new Title, inspired by Nato! :) thanks mate! I owe ya! and check out the awesome picture to your left! it's meant to be Alex the Great, but it isnt, the period is wrong for the armour. meh! pedantics. its a cool piece of art!


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Thursday, May 27, 2004

You know, i think i learnt something yesterday.

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, otherwise you really WILL have to do it tomorrow."

I set out yesterday to have a whole day on assignment work! (honestly i did. no really!) And i procrastinated the morning away (maybe writing about 400 words total) saying 'oh thats ok, ive got all day until 7! -_-
little did i know. the moment the words had entered my head i got a phone call, it was the comic store wanting me to work. oh the joys of being casual :P

So, in effect, here I am today, at 12:30am, blogging when i should be madly doing my assignmnet that is due tomor..oh..today! :P crap.
oh well. anyone know anything about Alexander the great and how is generalship was at the battle of Gaugamela in 331BC? no? dont rush in all at once! ;)

It's beginning to get bad though. as an arts (well, arts/education) student, I should be used to staying up past 3am.. but no. recentley ive just been dropping off around 1... how slack! must talk to the manager.

*sighs* Queensland lost the opening State of Origin tonight. Stupid Golden point rule. (the match went into overtime and its the first team to score within the five minute period) NSW kicked a drop goal. that SuXX0r. but, to be fair, it was a great game. i think QLD's problem was that they kept trying to run from Dummy-half all the time, no passing (as NSW did). That and the fact that Smith (our hooker) was off form tonight, and missed a few kicks.

*deeper sigh* back to assignment work then!

Dont work too hard! :) BYE!

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Procrastination.. the (well, ONE of the) banes of my existence!

Tuesdays are bad that way because i only have 1 lecutre on from 5pm-7pm, and that leaves me the rest of the day to do assignments! (riiight)
After that theres small group so that's always a positive thing!

I am really getting embarrassed here! there are so many cool blogs out there, and then there's mine, still with the generic colour scheme. but i hereby do swear that this shall change in the holidays! even if i have to go through every tutorial i can find on html! :)

Todays Rant:
Thinking about Uni yesterday, i am still unimpressed by the education department. i mean seriously, all they do is spew rhetoric at us, and theories galore. they make us do assignments and case studies into individuals and tell us all about Piaget and Vygotsky et al... But hardly any practical experience.

Im doing Music Teaching (with History as a 2nd teaching area) and yet we still have to go through classes on ESL. fair enough there may be some ESL students in a future music class, but really, as long as they are willing to sing, they can learn how to be good musicians. the thought processes have almost nothing to do with the language used.

Thats what we have to base our next ESL assignment (3,000 words) on, we have to project what we've learned from the course onto our future classes, and write a plan of how we would teach our subject to accomodate an ESL student. A music class? i would teach exactly the same. maybe spend a bit more time with an individual after or before class to ensure they got it, but thats about it!

aaaannyhoo.. thats enough for now (/rant)

To Summarise, Education at UQ SUXX0R. :) especially for future music teachers... ah well.. only 2 and a half years to go!

Thats all for right now! News at 8.

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Monday, May 24, 2004

So! Another Monday night of assignments! :P
man University is starting to drag a bit.

I think im really getting a bit stressed towards the end of the semester. I have 4 3,000 word assignments due in the next 3 weeks, plus exams. why? why dammit! :)

Special moment of today: - taking a look at the pink clouds in the sky at around 5pm this arvo. other than that and sleeping, not much else startlingly special today! :) im not looking hard enough! :P

Song of the Moment: 'Pretty Fly for a White Guy' - Offspring

Anoter Blog I was reading today had a post about Marriage.
thats another issue ive been dealing with lately. Is marriage necessary? I know that in the bible youve got good ol paul saying: "Be cool like me and don't marry" well.. not exactly, but a lot like that! :)
But Im not worried if i dont get married. is that a bad thing?

Ive got plans for my bachelor pad! :) its gonna have a room in it where i can store my collection of comics! :) it can have a shelf for all the Colleceted DVDs ive got. lol.. werid eh!

Thats bout all i can think of to blog atm! so, back to my assignment. im sure ill be procrastinating some time later soon enough!
So until next time, look after yourselves...and eachother! ;)

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Sunday, May 23, 2004

Oh, and im SO looking forward to the uni holidays coming up!

Ive got so much stuff on! :P
In the hols though, i think i will aim to make this site much more attractive. i dont have time to change the coding now, but when I get some free time (hah!) I will.

Ill drag out all my old html knowledge! >:) then, watch out world! BWA-AH-AH-AHHHHH
oh... forgot:

Evil Overlord Rule #20
Despite its proven stress-relieving effect, I will not indulge in maniacal laughter. When so occupied, it's too easy to miss unexpected developments that a more attentive individual could adjust to accordingly.

Evil Overlord List is Copyright 1996-1997 by Peter Anspach

Ah well. back to the drwaing board! :D

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j0! Im back again! :) didja miss me?

I keep on wanting to blog, but then by the time i get to a computer where i am able to, i cant remember what i wanted to blog. damn thats annoying.

SO heres just some random thoughts in my head and issues of the day.

Favorite song of the moment: 'Slice of Heaven' by Dave Dobbyn

Special moment of the day: Today my sunday school kids (i teach sunday school to grades Preschool-2) sang for the commemoration of the hall. They didnt sing beautifully, they sang like kids, they sang loud and proud.. i was so proud of them. sometimes they can be real brats, but other times like this they can just totally shock you.
They followed me all the way up to the church (from the kindy) in a line and we played follow the leader. I love those guys! And today i really enjoyed teaching sunday school! ^_^

Random issues: The last situation i talked about has progressed, and has taken on extra dimensions. dont they all! :P. But i dont feel like going into that now! suffice it to say that Friday night was not the most pleasant night ive had.

I was invited over to say hi to this chick, (my friend's girlfriend), cause she had come Up from the Gold Coast for the night. When I got there there was her, my ex, a friend from uni and two other chicks who i hadn't met before.
We were talking along when one of the chicks started having what looked like a fit of some kind, she was screaming and really disorientated.
Aaaanyway, to cut a long story short, after much panic/bad moments/ringing 000, i found out that these guys had been eatin Hash Cookies that one of them bought from Nimbin the other day.
as they say in comics: "Hi-Jinks ensued".
I dont mean to take it lightly, but i dont think ill go any further into that.

Why do people do drugs? I was pretty dissapointed, but i was more concerened about them all. they were really freaking out that night, and i wouldnt wish that on anyone, let alone my friends.
Im not some sort of high and mighty religious type nut. I am just worried about my friends. i dont judge, thats one of my main guidelines.

Im glad that it all ended safely for everyone. but i just hope that there wont be a next time. they need to look after themselves, and to realise that while drugs can be fun, and help you escape, they also have a darker side, and are very unpredictable.

I try to be a 'light in the darkness'. I dont force my beliefs on anyone, just live the way i believe is right, and hope that they will see for themselves the right way.
I just despair sometimes because in today's society you cant say 'drugs are bad' or 'homosexuality is a sin' without being labled a religious nut, or some kind of fundamentalist.

(oh, just a side note for that comment on homosexuality. I have gay friends, i have lesbian friends. I treat them the same way i treate any of my hetero friends. I just do not approve of their lifestyle, and I dont hide that. But i love them as friends because they are! love the sinner, hate the sin.
Homosexuality is a sin, and so is eating too much. we all sin, we are all as bad as the next person. Im not homophobic, i just stand up for what i believe.)

woah.. enough blogging for a while! im going to do my ancient history assignment! :D

L8r Sk8rs!

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Friday, May 14, 2004

Its Friday Afternoon! :)

When im serving at the video/convenience store on Friday mornings, its funny to see how people get all happy about fridays saying stuff like: 'yay i dont have to work tomorrow!' i smile and say 'true dat!' or 'yeh! Its good hey!' when i actually have to work 10 hours on Saturday.. ah the joys of working casual ! :)

But although i pay it out a lot, i think thats one thing i would miss. I would miss the crazy hours of working there, i dont know if i could handle regular hours! :D
not that ill get regular hours as a teacher anyway! ;)

yesterday (Thursday) started with work, and ended with a Court Hockey game and dinner over a friend's place while we all watched ER. :D that was fun.

Peace out guys!

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OH! Guess what!! :)

I have a friend who has the dubious honour of having hit the Prime Minister of Australia in the nuts!
Its true!

She was operating a boom (a large fuzzy microphone on a long pole) at a press conference thingy outdoors, and saw John Howard at the lecturn, preparing. But apparently.. one thing led to another.. and the PM started walking away..
She had lowered the boom, and was looking the other way. She saw the security guards coming, but assumed since they were all over the place, there was nothing special happening.
She felt something trip on the boom, and jerked it back up again.

when she turned back, she saw what she had done, and saw little Johnny clutching his crotch, frantically trying to un-wedgie his pants, while his security guards went to help him.

Her camera man jerked her back just in time. :) no one knew it was her!

I have the honour of knowing someone who has Knackered John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia! :D lol.

And believe it or not, she is not a socialist! (though how many of them would give their right arm (and more) to do that! :D)

lol.. just gotta laugh! :D

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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Another day over. you know the days are kind of running into eachother at the moment.

Today - Wake up at 9am.. finally! about 8 hours sleep! im impressed with myself! ;)
GO to gym. (see previous :P) come back...did something.. cant remember what... :D go to uni, spend one hour being lectured to about Alexander the Great's Sexuality!


ANd then onto small group which Ive just come back from.
You know i really enjoy those nights. its great to have some fellowship with people who believe the same thing you do! I really like tuesday nights!

Ive decided to give up one of my precious Thursday night shifts to be able to play social hockey (ie - swinging around huge sticks for 2 hours, trying to hit something...ANYthing! :P)

Up bright and Surly tomorrow morning for a classroom observation for uni! have to travel to the other side of town! :(
The traffic is going to be horrible! but oh well.. theres always TripleM :D

My best Mate turned 20 today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! although you probably will never read this mate! but anyway, gets me to thinking. My 20th is coming up pretty soon too. only about a month to go.
DOes this mean i have to be responsible?
Does it mean that the childhood era of my life is over and that i must move on to the adult section?
Man... 20 sounds soooo much older than 21,22,23 etc...dunno why! i guess ill find out soon enough! :P

Night All!

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woooooah.. DUDE! So wasted!

and not from drinking to my utmost shame! :P

Just went to Gym for the first time in 2 months. Weights were Ok, breezed through them, (OW MY TRICEPS! :P) but the Cardio! MAN! im so out of shape!
After doing only 20min (rowing,walker,bike) I felt like i was gonna spew!

Im going to have to get back into it now! argh! curse uni! making me lose my fitness! :P

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Monday, May 10, 2004


I FINISHED! and with two hours to spare! WHO DA MAN? dats right!

Is there any sound more satisfying than your completed assignment printing out? or than the feel of the newly printed on paper?

I dont THINK so.
So! now to tear off to uni, and to hand it in.
Then its time to go to tute and present an oral, THEN onto church to practice the organ! wow what an exciting life i lead! :P

Oh, by the way, please feel free to check out the webcomics on the sidebar there. all of them have my '100% hilarious' guarantee on them! check it!

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Sunday, May 09, 2004

Back again!

well, thats the longest time ive ever taken to finish 1/3 of an assignment! :P
just kidding. I fell asleep, then had to do other assignments, and stuff, and more stuff. Its always stuff isnt it!

I mean, last week i slept 20 hours in seven days, but i can't remember most of the stuff i did. sure. Work, and assignments, but wasn't there other stuff as well? sure hope so! all the days started blending into one. thats not really cool! :P

But, im back Blogging, and doing the same damn assignment!

You know, i told a friend that blogging is venting.
It's very theraputic. And it's somehow comforting, i mean, if you put this on the web, sooner or later someone is going to read it. You are venting to them. Usually you can only vent to someone you trust. But like this, although millions can possibly access it, they dont really know you, so they can't betray you!
its the perfect crime! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA!!

That brings up all sorts of issues of Cybertalk and Mateship... but thats for another time! 1 topic per blog thanks very much!!! :D

Seeya soon!

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